5月25日—26日,京东热NOW音乐节在北京成功举办。邦德薄荷咖啡推出「夏日爽嗨 热NOW开麦」与其合作入驻音乐节现场,成功吸引了音乐节现场众多年轻人排队试饮,以及年轻消费者的关注和好评。热NOW音乐节现场,这款...
童年是一首梦幻无穷的诗,没有忧伤没有烦恼,仅有一张稚气的脸,在向人间开心地微笑。 在这花香四溢、欢声笑语的季节里,我们迎来了一年一度的“六一”儿童节,为了让孩子们度过一个轻松、自由、快乐的童年...
本网讯(通讯员 孔祥娟)5月15日是全国打击和防范经济犯罪宣传日,为进一步提高社会公众金融安全保护意识,引导公众自觉远离和抵制经济犯罪,临商银行北京路支行积极开展金融知识宣传活动,增强群众对经济犯罪的...
——在西安养老论坛暨圣远和园颐养中心揭幕式的讲话 任玉岭 (任玉岭在西安圣远和园养老中心考察医养结合高质量发展创新状况) 很高兴出席今天的养老论坛暨圣远和园颐养中心的揭幕式。根据我对养老问题近三...
Hazer and POSCO to develop a project pathway for the integration of Hazer's hydrogen and graphite production technology into POSCO's steel manufacturing process. MoU represents delivery of the next...
WILMINGTON, N.C., Feb. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - nCino, Inc. (NASDAQ: NCNO), a pioneer in cloud banking for the global financial services industry, today announced its participation in the followi...
Spectronaut® 19 offers significant improvements in identifications, candidate discovery, scalability for large-scale analysis, and support for novel workflows Novel TrueDiscovery® P2 Plasma Enr...
The proprietary P2 Plasma Enrichment method leverages a novel single-well, single particle-type enrichment method to achieve market-leading performance for unbiased, deep mass spectrometry-based pla...
May 30, 2024 First to provide helium-free operations in 2018, Philips marks milestone during installation in Puerto Rico Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Bayamón, Puerto Rico – Royal Philips (NYS...