佐治亚州,卡尔霍恩, April 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE: MHK) 今日宣布 2024 年第一季度净收益为 1.05 亿美元,每股收益 (“EPS”) 为 1.64 美元;调整后净收益为 1.19 亿美元,...
备受瞩目的2024杭州印刷包装工业展览会,将于5月9日在杭州G20展馆隆重开幕。此次展会相较于以往,可谓是独具匠心,亮点纷呈。 全国第二大印刷强省的省会展 浙江,作为全国第二大印刷强省,其印刷包装产业蓬勃发展,充满...
暨宣城市地校合作对接会举办 为深入学习贯彻党的二十大和全省人才工作大会、“人才安徽行”系列活动动员部署会精神,深入实施人才强省战略,扎实推进“百万大学生兴皖”行动,进一步深化校地合作,促进更多高校毕业...
The TW2851-BB2-GR emerges as a cornerstone in the realm of multi-channel video capture, offering advanced features and unparalleled performance to meet the demands of modern surveillance, video confer...
The MAX9135GHJ+T emerges as a cornerstone in the domain of precision signal conditioning, introducing groundbreaking features and unparalleled performance to meet the demands of modern electronic syst...
The FSHDMI04QSPX chipset represents a significant advancement in High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) connectivity, offering unparalleled performance and versatility to seamlessly integrate hig...
The ICS2008BVLFT emerges as a pivotal solution in the realm of high-speed clock management, offering advanced features and unparalleled performance to meet the demands of next-generation electronic sy...
The FMS6143ACSX stands as a cornerstone in the realm of signal management, offering advanced features and unparalleled performance for high-speed data transmission applications. Developed by Fairchild...